Soil Biodegradable Mulch Film

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It has the exact same features and functionalities as conventional Mulch Film except the environmental damage of microplastic pollution. We think it’s a no brainer! Your onions, vines, melons, flowers & plants, cabbages, strawberries, raspberries, squash, blueberries, lettuces, currants, cucumbers, and tree plantations will be very happy! And so will the consumers who will ultimately eat them.

BioAgri Mulch Film eliminates or reduces the use of herbicides and pesticides - increase soil temperature - reduce water consumption – keep fertilizers and nutrients closer to the plant - speed up the germination and cultivation cycles. There will be no accumulation of microplastics or any other harmful residues in the soil, and so, using this, will contribute to a cleaner and healthier crop production. Sadly, a great deal of the European farmland, is no longer fit for human produce growth due to the high concentration of microplastics in the soil. For decades, conventional plastic mulch film has been rolled out for miles and miles… Trying to remove conventional plastic mulch film with no leave-behind-bits is an impossible job, which is why Biobag Mulch Film is the environmental way to go.

It comes in black, transparent, or grey/black, and has an average life span of 1 to 36 months depending on thickness of the film, the soil, climate, and temperature. The laying of the film can be performed with the same equipment used for conventional plastic mulch films, being careful to reduce the tension of the roll during operation. BioAgru Mulch Film is made of Mater-Bi - a raw material created by combining starch with compostable and biodegradable polymer. The Mater-Bi raw material used in our Biodegradable Mulch Film is certified according to EN-17033, biodegradable in soil. Test-results are available by request.