Compostable Food & Freezer bags

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Globally, there has already been produced around 9 billion tons of plastic and much of this is still here on Earth with us today.  It is estimated that 165 million tons of it is floating around the ocean or covering the bottom. Unfortunately some has also ended up in nature, where it will take hundreds of years for some plastics to break down and even then, they’ve really only become smaller pieces called microplastics, that are very harmful to our environment. The tiny fractions have found their way into our nature, oceans, drinking water, soil, animals, airways, foods, fruits & vegetables, and sadly also into our bodies and brains. We want to break that cycle.

Most citizens around the world now worry about the climate changes they experience, and don’t believe their governments are doing a very good job in solving it. Consequently, they now look to brand and businesses and even retailers, to help them make a personal difference. We believe, that changing the food and freezer bag we use in our kitchens, is an easy habit to change, and know it will have a huge positive impact on the environment if we do so.

So we hope you will provide this tool to your customers and replace current food & freezer plastic bags with Biobag compostable Food & Freezer Bags. It will send a great signal to both customers and employees, to minimise all unnecessary production and use of conventional plastic, and support your environmental agenda, efforts, and profile.