30L - Drawstring Bag
30L - Drawstring Bag
50L - Drawstring Bag

30L - Drawstring Bag

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Organic waste and left-over foods make up more than 44% of all waste globally each year, adding up to almost 1 billion tons. This could, and should, be converted into biogas or composted into nutritious compost. Luckily many people, retailers, businesses, municipalities, and governments all over the world, have already started replacing this little item, to help battle climate change. And we hope you will too!

Since its invention, humankind has produced app. 9 billion tons of conventional plastic. Sadly most of which is still here on Earth either in its original form or broken down into the very harmful microplastic fractions, that are now twirling around in our environment.  In our nature, oceans, drinking water, soil, animals, airways, foods, fruit, and vegetables, and consequently in our bodies. More than 3 in 4 global consumers worry about climate change and do not believe the governments are doing are very good job in solving them. So now, they look to brands, businesses, and municipalities to help them make a difference, but struggle to figure out what & how. Changing the bag we collect our organic waste with, is an easy habit to change, and we know it will have a huge & positive impact on the environment, if we all do so.

When it comes to biodegradable, and compostable products, our product range is unparalleled, and we serve end-consumers, municipalities, retailers, wholesalers, waste management companies, ecommerce etc. Please have a look at all our other product categories, and feel free to contact us for more options. You might find more items you can replace with Biobag Compostable Products… no matter what industry you work with.